Sunday, September 10, 2017

Taking Her in Hand ... Coming Soon!

Laci is in trouble for reckless and self-destructive behavior that's put Haywood Hills, an affluent and secretive BDSM community, at risk. Now she's been given an ultimatum. She has to decide whether to relinquish control of herself to a new man. A man who knows exactly what he wants from her and will give her little choice but to obey.

Taking Her in Hand is coming soon!


  1. This sounds awesome:) Do you have a mailing list, or some way for people to be notified when your book has been published?

    1. Thank you! I set up a newsletter & added a subscribe button, which may or may not work properly ;)

  2. Signed up for the newsletter. Thank you!

    I tried to follow the blog by e-mail, but Feedburner says it's not set up to be followed by e-mail? Maybe I misunderstood the message I received when I tried...

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know! And thank you for being, I'm sure, the 1st person to sign up for my newsletter. It's a little surreal, since I'm kind of a Trent Evans fangirl. Please see gushy recommended read post on Her Troika. (I'm waiting to do Surrender Valley until I have some actual readers to tweet to.) Anyway, thank you again so much. I'll try to see what's up with the "Follow by Email" Button's inactive status.



    Chapter 1  Is something a sickness if it makes me strong? I do dark things and never regret them. Where other people’s minds apparently ...